Capitalism and Future Historians
This is another of my adapted Twitter/Mastodon threads to be reposted for posterity to the blog. The original title of this was "An anti-capitalism wail into the ether" . One day I am certain that historians will unanimously call out capitalism as being the most destructive ideology in human history. From it consuming the earth, which led to imperialism and colonialism over many centuries, through the required expansion of states to sate capital demand, and the ensuing enslavement and murder of those not deemed 'useful' in a pure profit sense - both within their land, and more explicitly and openly, abroad. Then the continuing wealth disparities, both within countries and between them, with this being a necessity of the system for it to even exist, to allow the ruling class to continue to accrue ever more capital. The monopoly of those few over the rest of humanity, both in terms of the wealth and power they've captured and controlled, and the oppression and viole...